Romantic Suspense, Action Romance and Adventure Romance: What’s the Difference?

The other month, author Shannon Stacey was over at Dear Author asking for recs of good action-adventure romance and talking about her new action romance release, No Place to Hide. It started a bit of a discussion on what is romantic suspense, action romance and action-adventure romance and how are they different. I thought I’d

Romantic Suspense, Action Romance and Adventure Romance: What’s the Difference? Read More →

New Release: In the Devil’s Nebula is out today!

First there was AT STAR’S END: “the love child of Indiana Jones and Firefly”, “a fun, thrill ride of a science fiction romance”, “a rip-roaring space opera,” “strap in, enjoy the heat of romance and the daring of this group of space travellers!“ Now the adventure continues… Take one space fighter pilot: Zayn Phoenix handled

New Release: In the Devil’s Nebula is out today! Read More →

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