Cover Reveal: Unmapped

Today I’m sharing the next THS cover! This is another awesome cover by the amazing cover artist Melody Simmons. She really outdid herself with the latest THS covers.

Take a look at Ronin’s cover below and scroll to the bottom to enter an awesome Treasure Hunter Security signed paperback giveaway.


Release Date: 5th September 2017

Starring: Ronin Cooper and his mystery redhead

Location: Antarctica


Sneak Peek: Unmapped

(Please note this an unedited snippet from Unmapped and there may be slight changes in the final version)

He’d been conned.

Ronin Cooper stepped out of the warehouse. Somehow, Darcy Ward had tricked him into doing the coffee run for the entire Treasure Hunter Security team. He jogged down the front steps of the building that housed the THS offices and shook his head. As a former Navy SEAL and CIA agent, he should have seen it coming. Still, Darcy could get pretty mean and sneaky when it came to her caffeine.

As he walked down the sidewalk, he pulled in a deep breath of air. Spring had hit Denver and all around, the trees were bursting with green leaves and the last chill of winter had left the air. The renovated warehouse that housed THS was on the edge of LoDo, not far from Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies. Ronin wasn’t a huge baseball fan, but when he wasn’t off guarding some archeological dig or museum exhibition, he and the gang sometimes caught a game.

As he turned, he saw the city of Denver rising up ahead of him. Overhead, the sun shone as it always did here. It was nice to be in the light.

His thoughts turned dark, and Ronin stuck his hands in the pockets of his cargo pants. He’d spent so long working in the dark—on his SEAL missions, for the CIA. Hell, he’d been born in the dark.

He set his shoulders back. He’d gotten out—and maybe he was missing a few chunks of his soul—but he worked for THS now. He worked with people he liked, and most of the time, he enjoyed the job. He even liked Denver. He could cycle in the summer and snowboard in the winter. Many a weekend, he went climbing with Callum Ward, one of the owners of THS. He liked his life just the way it was.

As he approached the baseball park, the traffic got a little busier. It didn’t take him long to realize he was being followed.

Ronin felt the muscles in his shoulders tense, but kept his stride and body relaxed. He didn’t want to alert his prey.

He wondered who the hell it was. THS had royally pissed off Silk Road on their last mission in Africa. They’d even finally managed to take down one of the top people in the dangerous, black-market antiquities group. Declan Ward had warned them all that Silk Road would be out for payback.

Ronin paused at some stop lights, waiting to cross the street. He casually turned his head and spotted a flash of color. Hair that was a deep copper that made him think of the rising sun.

It was her.

He’d spied her three times before. Once, at Dec and Layne’s wedding. Mystery Woman had gatecrashed the reception and had been watching the THS gang. When Ronin had spotted her, she’d taken off. Another time, he’d seen her watching him cycling on one of the bike paths he used a lot. The third time, he’d seen at the bar where he and his friends sometimes grabbed a beer after work. Once again, she’d disappeared before he’d reached her.

Who the hell was she?

Ronin strode across the street. Now he was in the heart of LoDo, with its brick buildings and renovated warehouses. Ahead, he saw a narrow entrance to an alley and turned into it. Brick walls rose up either side. There were a few doorways and puddles on the ground, but other than that, the alley was empty.

He walked deeper into the shadows that he knew so well. Then he quickly moved into a doorway, crouching so he was hidden by darkness.

Moments later he heard footsteps—light and quick. Definitely a woman. Then he heard a feminine curse and he raised a brow. That wasn’t very ladylike.

He let out a slow breath, his heartbeat calm and controlled. He charged out of his hiding place and grabbed the woman.

He saw wide blue eyes and blunt copper-colored bangs above them.

As he tightened his hold on her, she cursed like a sailor again. Before he could speak, she landed a sharp kick to his knee.

Surprised, he stumbled. Hell, no one surprised him.

But by the time he righted himself, the woman was running out of the alley.

No, you don’t. Ronin broke into sprint.

More Info

THS Signed Paperback Giveaway

Congratulations to Wendy G. who won the giveaway!!

ONE lucky winner will take home a set of 4 signed Treasure Hunter Security Paperbacks. Just enter below. Closes Sunday 27th August. Open internationally.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

141 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: Unmapped”

    1. Thanks, Danielle! I had to do a butt-load of research for Antarctica! Luckily, I’ve visited the Arctic, so could incorporate some things from my trips.

      1. Wow, a trip to the artic? How neat! It shines through how much research you do for these books, so thank you! ?

  1. Loving the cover! Getting more difficult to pick a favorite cover. Excited that they travel to Antarctica!!

  2. Brrr … he’ll be cold dressed like that in the Antarctica. :-p BTW I love books set there. I’ve read a few others I’ve really enjoyed. The whole area fascinates me.

    1. Sexy tough guys should never wear a shirt in the snow, Deanna 😉 Don’t worry, he is wearing his cold-weather gear in the story!

  3. Oh my goodness, Anna!! You did it again!! Love the cover (drooling actually) and I can;t wait to read about Ronin and his mystery lady. Thanks for the snippet!

  4. Norka Carrasquillo

    Just discovered your books and started with the Gladiator series. OMG! You have such great writing skills for intrigue and action scenes and love scenes! From the Gladiator series, I went on to Hell Squad series and I am hooked on you! Pls don’t stop writing, but keep writing. Just one request…maybe write a little faster…:-)

    1. Hi Norka! So happy to hear you’re enjoying my books! I *love* writing action and romance, and have lots more books on the way 🙂 I never seem to run out of ideas. Oh, and I’m writing as fast as I can 😀

  5. I love this cover! It is hard to pick a favorite. Best of all congratulations on your award! I think that is remarkable and we’ll deserved!!!!! ????????

  6. Holy smokes!! That is one hot cover! I see snow, so I’m hoping that means some snuggles in a tent to get “warm”!

  7. Rachelle Westcott

    Oh hot damn! Ronin’s cover is awesome!!!! You and your artist have really outdone yourselves this time! He will make a fine addition! As would signed paperbacks! ?

  8. I would love to enter your giveaway but I don’t facebook. I wish you would take this into account when setting these things up.

    1. Hi Virginia. I do take that into account…that’s why the first option to enter is to just leave a blog post comment 🙂 You don’t have to do every option to enter. So just use the blog post comment option and enter your details and you’ll be entered!

  9. Thank you, Anna!

    I kept wondering why I wasn’t getting email updates on your books, and would have kicked myself if I could have once I realized I wasn’t signed up properly! Been a very avid reader of yours since early in the Phoenix Adventures, and I absolutely love all the history in your books. I’m very excited to read about a different situation and location in Unmapped, and waiting a little longer will give me plenty of time to drool over this cover. 😉

    Thank you for the great work you do and for not making me wait 5 years between releases!


    1. So glad you’re all signed up now! I try to email interesting, fun things…and of course when I have cover reveals and new books out. Wow, you’ve been reading my books practically from the beginning, Ashley 😀 Stay tuned for more action-packed romances, as a reader, I hate long waits for the next book and have no plans to make my readers wait!

  10. I haven’t dared to read the excerpt in case it drives me crazy before the book comes out.
    I love that cover, though I think he must be pretty cold dressed like that. Hope he can still shoot straight.????

    1. LOL — sexy tough guys should not cover up…even in the snow 😉 A few peeps had read the excerpt and said they are a bit crazy now for Unmapped, so you might have made a good choice, Ilona 🙂

  11. I love the cover! I can’t wait to read Ronin’s story and find out who the mystery woman is! She definitely is going to challenge him!

  12. Love the cover, boy am I going to get a ribbing from the husband who gets all my books sent to his kindle.
    Looking forward to the new book. Love the adventure as well as the romance.

    1. LOL, Helena! Mr H gets an email every time I buy a new book. He doesn’t comment too much anymore 🙂 And I often ask for his help when I’m picking cover images for my covers…he’s pretty good a picking nice abs now 😉

  13. That cover is awesome! It has the right feel for THS. More security force like and less sci-fi/fantasy. Can’t wait to read it!°°

  14. O.M.G!!! Your covers just get better and better with each book!!! Absolutely amazing and worthy of covering your work, Anna.

  15. The cover is another awesome one.
    Those abs…!!!
    And how the Antarctica is shown as the icy landscape with snowy mountains.
    Not only are the THS stories my all-time fav, but the covers are absolutely fantastic and impressive.
    Your cover-designered is a true artist!

    Can’t wait to read Ronins story, loved the snippets.
    But I am also on edge to read Darcy’s ?

  16. Shannon Ferguson

    Hi Anna!

    Love the cover (soooo sexy) and the teaser. I’m really looking forward to reading Ronin’s story. Your books just keep getting better and better.


  17. The elusive redhead has a determined THS agent after her! OOOOOH I can’t wait to get my hands on this baby!

  18. I am actually a little shocked – You and your series is new to me – but from the cover alone I can see the amount of time and pride you take in your work and that peaks my interest something fierce . I look forward to reading your work . You would think that would be a ‘duh’ concept but so many authors seem to production line their work ?

    1. I hope you enjoy Treasure Hunter Security, Joy! I love writing action-packed romances, and I write fast, so I do release a lot of books but every one is special to me and I spend *a lot* of time ensuring the covers give the right feel for each book 🙂 And I have a fabulous cover artist who helps me make that happen. Happy reading!

  19. You always have the perfect covers that let us know a little about what to expect in the books. And the guys are always so . . . Yeah! (Wiping up the drool)

  20. I’m just waiting with bated breath for September 5th! I enjoy reading your work immensely. Seriously, you always manage to put out great stories that are impeccably written. Thank you for that!

  21. I’ve read the Hell Squad and Gladiators series and just recently started the Treasure Hunter Security series. So far I’m loving them! I love the book covers with just the hot chest/abs. It leaves the face to my imagination. ?

    1. That’s exactly why I don’t put the faces, Katie, I like to let each reader imagine a hero or heroine’s face!

  22. I can’t wait for this one to come out. It’s like waiting for a gift to come, all anticipation, knowing it’s going to be great like all the previous ones were.

  23. Emily A. Anderson

    Anna, I’m pretty sure we are getting to a point where we need to start planning our Hackett Con… Or some cleverly named gathering where we can all come and get together and dress up as our favorite characters…. or those we’ve created… and just all spend time together discussing our love for the worlds you have created. You have started something massive. MASSIVE and it is spinning as quickly as you are typing and we are tangled in this web of fantasy, love, passion, and adventure and I for one, wouldn’t have it any other way… well maybe we could invite all the guys we have as suggested inspiration for the characters to join us….. 😉 Thank You for Every thing in the past, the present and in the future!

    1. I know I responded to you on Facebook, Emily, but I read your comment here again an it left me smiling, again. I am so fortunate to have awesome readers like you who enjoy my books. Stay tuned for more characters, more books, and more action romance <3 And a HackettCon one day!

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