Hell Squad Extras

Hell Squad Extras

Commissioned Art Gallery

Commisioned Hell Squad art by MyCKs and MyFantasiWorld.

Hell Squad
Hell Squad
Marcus Steele
Marcus Steele
Cruz Ramos
Cruz Ramos
Gabe Jackson
Gabe Jackson
Elle Milton
Elle Milton
Reed MacKinnon
Reed MacKinnon
Claudia Frost
Claudia Frost
Shaw Baird
Shaw Baird
Shaw and Claudia
Shaw and Claudia
Marcus and Elle Embrace by MyFantasiWorld
Marcus and Elle Embrace by MyFantasiWorld


Free Short Stories

His Light in the Darkness

A short story featuring a quiet moment between Marcus and Elle. This story fits into the Hell Squad timeline between the books Theron and Hemi.

Hell Squad: New Beginnings

A short story starring Selena and Tane. This story fits into the Hell Squad timeline after the final book Tane.

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