Top 10 Best Action Romance Books

Pamela Clare Archangel's kissIron Duke

Some people love to snuggle up with a long, slow read. Others with the latest tearjerker memoir. The rest of us love our books bursting with action, adventure and romance!

When I sit down to read, I want fast, furious, action-packed…and for the boy to win the girl in the end. Slow? No thanks. Tears? Well, only if they come with some action.

Last month I shared my Top 10 Best Action Romance Movies and today I’m sharing my Top 10 Best Action Romance Reads. Some are romantic suspense, some paranormal, others steampunk or futuristic but they all mix action with the romance:

  1. Nalini Singh’s Psy-Changeling Series – My two favorite installments in this series are Slave to Sensation and Caressed by Ice.
  2. Meljean Brook’s Iron Seas – Not sure I can pick a favorite book, but definitely start with The Iron Duke.
  3. Sydney Croft’s ACRO Series – These books are hot, hot, hot and don’t skimp on the action.
  4. Pamela Clare’s I-Team Series – Romantic suspense set in my old stomping ground of Denver.
  5. J.D. Robb’s In Death Series – Set in futuristic New York, Eve and Roarke are two of my all-time favorite characters.
  6. Kresley Cole’s Immortals After Dark – Wisecracking paranormal action romance.
  7. Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter Series – Kickass vampire hunters, sexy vampires and uber sexy angels.
  8. Larissa Ione’s Demonica Series (and the linked Lords of Deliverance books) – More wisecracking, action-packed paranormal romance.
  9. Linda Howard’s Mackenzies – Oldies but goodies. These contemporary stories of action and romance are keepers for me.
  10. Merline Lovelace’s Code Name: Danger Series – More oldies but goodies. These category stories are great action romance reads. I especially love the very first four books in the series.

I also have a bonus action romance read…it isn’t classed a romance but it’s a thriller with some great romance mixed in: Wilbur Smith’s A Time to Die.

That’s just a list of my favs but if you still want more action romance reads, then check out:

Amazon Bestsellers in Action and Adventure Romance

Goodreads list: Popular Action Romance Books

Goodreads list: Popular Action Adventure Romance Books

Recommended Romantic Suspense at Dear Author

Recommended Adventure Romance at Smart B*tches, Trashy Books

Now, get reading! And if anyone has any more I should add to the list, let me know.


34 thoughts on “Top 10 Best Action Romance Books”

  1. Absolutely LOVE Meljean Brooks’ Iron Seas, especially The Iron Duke. Faye Adele’s narration of it is beyond excellent. Lindsay Buroker’s The Emperor’s Edge series and Dragon Blood series are also good action romance with a bit of steampunk flair. Thanks for the recommendations!

    1. Hi Cynde — sounds like you’re a steampunk fan! We must be due for a new Iron Seas book, I think? It’s been a while. Yes, Lindsay’s books rock too. Have you checked out her sci-fi romance (under her pen name) as well?

  2. I have read the he’ll squad books and I loved them. Can’t wait to read some more of your books like the he’ll squad remembers.

    1. Hi Starr — Thrilled to hear you’ve been enjoying the Hell Squad books! Hope you find a few others in the list you like as well! Oh, and there is a new Hell Squad book out this week (-:

  3. I am hooked on Andy McDermott’s series about archeologist Nina Wilde and mercenary Eddie Chase. The action is non-stop but then the romance between the two leads is so clever I have to keep reading. Reading each descriptive story is like watching a movie on a big screen. I recommend starting with the first book, The Hunt for Atlantis, because each book increases the relationship from casual to intense. In the 9th book, when a serious illness intrudes, the feelings are very real. I like to guess who would be the actors if a movie was made.

    1. Hi Louise! This series sounds right up my alley! I will absolutely be checking it out. Action, adventure, archeology, and romance…all the things I love (-: Although waiting nine books for the emotional payoff might test my patience (-:

  4. Great list, Nalini Singh is my number 1 too! I would add Tara Janzen’s Steele Street Series, hot men, fast cars, lots of kiss kiss bang bang ! Revolves around a Special Defence Force team that are based out of Denver, love them.

    1. Hi Robyn — I just love all Nalini’s paranormal books. Ooh, Steele Street sounds right up my alley and I *love* Denver (I used to live there!) I’ll check it out — thanks for the rec.

  5. I love the In Death Series but I have to say I am waiting (not too patiently) for your next book I read the last one the first night it came out.

    1. Hi Patty! I have to say I never get tired of hearing people are enjoying my books (-: I think I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read Naked in Death (and some of the other books in the series) — love it!

  6. Hi Anna…Nalini singh’s psy changeling series is one of my all time favourites and Linda Howard’s MacKenzies…love Nora Roberts / JD Robb. The only ones you missed of my list are Christine Feehan and a real old but goodie is Leslie Charteris The Saint series for some of the best humour. Will be looking into some of your others as i haven’t tried Kresley Cole and Pamela Clare

    1. Hi Jenny! Looks like our reading tastes are well aligned (-: I’ve spent many hours reading Christine Feehan’s books. Her Carpathian books got me into reading paranormal romance. Now, I haven’t heard of The Saint series…I’ll have to check it out! Thanks for the rec.

  7. I love most of those on your list, especially Linda Howard and J D Robb. However, one author I am missing and who is really good at it, is M L Buchman. If you have a chance, give him a try.

    1. I’ve heard of ML Buchman’s books, Bettina, but not read any yet. Thanks so much for the recommendation!!

  8. First, thank you for writing books! Your stories are always great reads!

    Second, I love to find new authors to follow, and this is a great list! I just wanted to add a recommendation. I love, Love, LOVE all of the space opera from Sharon Lee & Steve Miller. This series in the Liaden universe is a bit more Sci-Fi/Fantasy than Romance, but there are still a heroes & heroines who utilize their unique talents to save the company/the family/the planet, etc.

    1. Thanks so much, Hope. Glad to hear you’re enjoying my books and thanks for the recommendation. I have heard of the Lee and Miller books but never read them…will definitely check them out 🙂 Happy reading!

  9. I have to admit, I really enjoy your books… So much so that you actually make my top ten “escape the world” writers, which features 1. JR Ward (BDB) / Sherilyn Kenyon (League)
    2. Nalini Singh (Psy/Changeling & Guild Hunter)
    3. Laurann Donner (New Species)
    4. Christine Feehan (Carpathians & Sea Haven x2)
    5. Jacquelyn Frank (Nightwalkers)
    6. Lora Leigh (Breeds)
    7. Anna Hackett (Hell Squad)
    8. S.E. Smith (Dragon Lords of Valdier, Lords of Kassis & Zion Warriors)
    9. Rebecca Zanetti (Dark Protectors)
    10. Eve Langlais (Freakn’ Shifters)

    1. What a fabulous list, Drea (and so many of same authors I also enjoy reading!) I am honored to be on the list and thrilled to know you enjoy my books! I write in the hope my readers can escape the real world for a little while 🙂

    2. Anna and Drea, I thank you both, for the reading lists and for Anna’s spectacular writing. I have read all the Authors on most of the lists here, and keep re reading Anna’s books, because they are so eclectic. And, at my age, it is fun to read them again, because with my memory, it is almost like reading them for the first time. (lol)

      1. So glad you found my list helpful. I love my books and re-read all of them …though Born of Legend (The League – Sherrilyn Kenyon) and Marcus (Hell Squad – Anna) are my all time favorite re-read

  10. Michelle Hickman

    Hello Anne,
    I would also like to recommend S E Smith and you might like Bianca d’Arc dragon knights series. Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles Book 1 is very good too.

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I’ve read and enjoyed books by both those authors 🙂 Haven’t tried Cinder, though. Thanks for the recs!

      1. I am in the third book of the lunar chronicles and they are really good. I can’t wait to see how they end. They would make a great movie. Very descriptive and action packed.

  11. Hi Anna!
    I must say I am a total sucker for the Action romance genre both in movies and books. Wow lots of authors I havent even explored. I look forward to the discovery. I love love love your Gladiator series BTW. But you forgot to mention some of my faves, J.R. Ward, Sherrylyn Kenyon, and an oldie but goodie Andrea Kane (combining my other faves Regency and Some action/adventure/suspense)

    1. Yay, Fatima! I’m always thrilled to meet another action romance fan 😀 Yes, JR Ward and Sherrilyn Kenyon are super popular. Haven’t heard of Andrea Kane — probably because historical isn’t my usually thing, but I’ll have to check her out!

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