Cover Reveal: Crashed on an Ice World

The holidays are here!

For many people, that means snow, being rugged up with mugs of hot chocolate, and cooking a big feast of roast turkey and all the trimmings. In Australia, it means sunny weather, the beach, and a big feast of salad, ham, and seafood 😀

It seems appropriate that my last book of the year is coming at the end of December and is set on an ice world. This is a Phoenix Adventures story! Fun, action and adventure in space…with a hunt for a lost old Earth treasure and a friends-to-lovers romance with the hard-headed Rynan Phoenix and his second-in-command Elana.

This is a stand-alone story, so you don’t need to be up-to-date on all the books in this series. That said, Rynan (and Elana) have made a few appearances in previous books. You can read some snippets below.

SO, enjoy the new cover AND don’t miss my giant Christmas Giveaway down below. There are signed paperbacks and awesome calendars up for grabs!!

Crashed on an Ice World
Release Date: Thursday December 28th

Cover art by the awesome Melody Simmons

Excerpt from Beyond Galaxy’s Edge featuring Rynan and Elana

“Wait, I have an idea.” Rynan pressed a button and activated the comm system. “Elana, you able to tear yourself away from the medbay to come to the bridge?”

A feminine snort. “I live to obey your commands, boss. What do you need? Someone hurt?”

“No. I need your expertise reading old scans.”

A pause. “Hmm. Now I’m intrigued. I’ll be up in a minute.”

“Elana’s your medic, right?” Nissa asked. “How come you want her to read messed-up scans?”

“She was raised on an ice-mining ship in the Scandia quadrant. Her family’s been ice mining for centuries. They scan suitable frozen moons and planets for mineral-packed ice, and apparently older scanners show the minerals better, if you know what you’re looking for. If anyone can tell us what’s on Sargasso’s moon, it’s Elana.”

Elana strode onto the bridge. She was small, slim through the hips, but her fitted, navy-blue medic jumpsuit left no doubt that she kept in shape. She swaggered like she was six feet tall, her black hair swinging in a ponytail behind her.

“Okay, let’s see these scans,” she said.

Rynan pulled out a chair for her. “We’re looking for anything that could be a starship wreck.”

Nissa watched the woman settle in beside Rynan. It was clear the two had an easy camaraderie. Nissa leaned in close to Justyn’s ear and lowered her voice.

“Are they…?” She nodded her head toward the couple.

“Nah. Best friends. Thick as thieves since Elana joined the crew. Ry would never, ever sleep with her. He never shares his bed with the same woman more than once. He’d never jeopardize his friendship with Elana.”

Nissa watched the way their heads were close together, saw Elana elbow Rynan out of her way in a practiced way that said she did it daily. Rynan flicked her ear in retaliation, then pointed to something on the screen.

Hmm. Rynan might keep women at arm’s length, but this one was so far under his skin, he hadn’t even noticed. Nissa smiled. It might be fun to watch the fireworks when he realized the fact.

Excerpt from Through Uncharted Space featuring Rynan and Elana

Dare stood in the med bay, watching Elana working on a motionless Rynan.

His brother was under a med scanner, and Elana’s worry was easy for Dare to see. She hovered over Ry, double and triple checking monitors.

“How is he?” Dare asked.

“There’s some damage to his brain,” she said.

“What? How bad?”

Elana raised a shaky hand to her mouth. “I won’t know until he wakes up.” She reached out and stroked Ry’s dark hair.

Dare watched her. “When are you going to tell him that you love him?”

A sad smile. “We both know he wouldn’t welcome it. I’m his friend, his employee. He’d see it as a betrayal.”

Everything she said was true. Rynan was fighting his own demons left over from their childhood.

“Besides,” she said, stroking his hair again, “he doesn’t believe in love.”

“I didn’t either. Things can change.”

Elana eyed him. “So I see. I guess if Dare Phoenix can fall in love, anything is possible. Where is Dakota?”

“I’m going to find her now. She disappeared as soon as we came aboard.” He stared at his brother’s face. “You’ll take care of him?”

“You don’t have to ask,” Elana answered.

Anna’s Big Christmas Giveaway

To celebrate the cover reveal of Crashed on an Ice World and the holidays, I’m giving away two 2018 Warrior Gladiator Calendar, two Aussie firefighter calendars, and eight signed paperbacks from Hell Squad, Galactic Gladiators, and Treasure Hunter Security. That’s TWELVE prizes and I’ll pick TWELVE individual winners.

Open internationally and closes on Sunday 24th Dec. Winners notified by email by 29th Dec. You DO NOT have to use every option below to enter. Just select the one(s) you prefer to do.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

201 thoughts on “Cover Reveal: Crashed on an Ice World”

    1. Yum!!!
      Anna, you have me hooked! I love the friends and family we have here. Thank you for creating these worlds for us!!!
      The Firemen aren’t so bad either!!!

    1. It just felt right to end the year with Rynan’s story and a revisit to the Phoenix Adventures world, Carrie. Merry Christmas <3

  1. Had surgery on my knee, which is keeping me housebound the month of December. It gave me a chance to binge read all your books to stave off boredom. It’s been fun reading them all over again, and I can’t wait for the next book!

    1. Hope the knee is recovering well, Becky! Wow, a mammoth re-read. You’ll be all ready for Crashed on an Ice World! Take it easy <3

  2. That cover is gorgeous! I haven’t read this series yet, though I’ve read ths, gg, and hs, but I’m definitely gonna have to get on that ASAP 🙂

    1. This series is more stand alone than the others, Niki. All the characters are related but each story is stand alone. It has more of a fun adventure feel than GG and HS but still lots of action and romance!

  3. Love the cover Lovely, Merry Xmas to you and your family. Thanks for the chance at February oops um ah winning a calendar ?

    1. Merry Christmas to you and your gang, Mel! And good luck in the giveaway…the calendars are so worth drooling over:D

  4. Hi Anna!
    Great job on the cover as always! ?
    I can’t wait to read Crashed on an Ice World and see what kind of adventure (or trouble) the Phoenix boys get into! ?

    1. Thanks, Shannon! You knows those Phoenix boys…not a Phoenix Adventure unless someone is crashing a starship, chasing treasure, and fighting the bad guys 😉

  5. Cannot wait for the new book. I hope you and your family have a happy holiday!! Thank you for all the wonderful reads this past year.

  6. A great cover! I’ve only recently started reading Pheonix Adventures so hopefully I’ll be caught by time this is released.

  7. I’m so looking forward to reading this. I love that you added the excerpts here. They’re great. And the cover is great too. Thank you for having the Christmas giveaway. I would love to be able to win a signed paperback. That would be an awesome Christmas present. 🙂

  8. A new Phoenix Adventures book is like the best Christmas present possible – I’ve been looking forward to this story so much!

    1. Oh Drea, I know….go Hell Squad!!! I was very content with the Phoenix adventures but Anna blew it out of the water with HS. There’s something totally endearing when it’s backdrop is your very own country

  9. The cover is very suave and fitting beautifully with your Phoenix adventures works. I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for the Christmas treat ???

  10. This looks absolutely amazing! I need to read a Pheonix story, been spending so much time with HS & GG, I miss them!!!!!!! ❤❤❤

  11. Elize van der Merwe

    Another Phoenix Adventure for my slowly-growing collection! Hope you have a great, sunny Christmas and a fabulous New Year.

  12. Love the cover ❤️ I am camping at the beach with the kids for the holidays and I’m looking forward to reading this book and relaxing with a cocktail!!

  13. Stunning cover as usual! Hope you all have a fab Christmas. I am not jealous over the sunshine you get in Oz…ok, well a little, ok I’m as green as a gizzida over here in Chilly Scotland!!!!

  14. I love the cover and the blurb made me want to have the book like yesterday and oh the calendars,this is one giveaway I am crossing my fingers for because I don’t have a 2018 calendar yet and those look perfect for my wall lol and oh I want to get my hands on an arc asap so I can see if the book is as good as the blurb and being you are the author I have no doubt that I will love the book!!!

  15. Lovely cover and awesome calendar. Love the Gladiator Series. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Anna. So looking forward to a great time catching up with family in sunny hot Queensland. Haveagoodone

  16. I’m looking forward to starting this series! I’m still firmly entrenched in the GG series (and just recently started HS) – both fantastic. 😉

  17. Thanks for the chance! A signed paperback would sure look good on my bookshelf, although I wouldn’t say no to a gladiator calendar, either 🙂

  18. I love the light and shadows on this cover. It makes me cold looking at it and reminds me of how I wanted to help Luke Skywalker survive Hoth when I was younger. Love some ice planet action! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Love the cover Anna and can’t wait to read the book!!!! Since your Galactic Gladiators series is my absolute favorite I would love a Gladiator calendar!!!! ??

  20. I’m a beard gal, so I love the scruff! Beard gal, that sounds weird. Pogonophile…thats is what it is called, those who are attracted to beards…but that doesn’t sound any better. I’m gonna quit talking now.

  21. Hi Anna,

    I just want to say that I am completely excited for your latest book release. I just started rereading The Phoenix Adventures in preparation of the new book.

  22. Finished Crashed on an Ice World this morning. Another fun read! I want to go back and find the earlier ones from this series. They are quick reads, and I think I just took a little vacation… although I’m really glad it wasn’t real! Those snow beasts were horrid!

  23. Congrats on the new release!! ?? And Happy Holidays to you and yours. ? I loved all of the books I’ve had to chance to read of yours and am looking forward to this one.

  24. Cherri-Anne Boitson

    Hi Anna!

    Thank you so very much for the chance to win a prize from you! I would be BEYOND honored to add you into My Precious Treasures Collection!! 🙂 I am a complete swag-a-holic, swag lover, swag hoarder, swag obsessed and yes, even a swag whore! 🙂

    That cover is BEAUTIFUL!!! OMG! Totally catches my eye and makes me want to read the book right now!! Super sexy and BOOKELICIOUS!!!!!

    Happy Holidays!!!

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