The stunning, action-packed conclusion to the Hell Squad series is coming!
I am all kinds of emotional about the final story in this series that has been so special to me for so long. From the first time Marcus and Elle, battle-hardened former Marine and former socialite, exploded into my imagination, I had NO idea how much I would fall in love with all these tough, heroic characters fighting for survival in the middle of an alien invasion.
Post-apocalyptic romance can seem like an unlikely combination, but this series has so much love and hope in it, and I have loved writing every single story.
Now, it is time to bring you Tane Rahia’s story — the leader of the tattooed, badass berserkers. These are tough, rough men — former mercenaries, bikers and criminals — who will risk everything to save their planet. It is also the story of an alien woman, abducted from her planet and put though hell, who has found a new family here on Earth. She will fight for her new home, and for a love she never dreamed possible.
Our survivors have fought so hard, and it’s time for them to get the ending they deserve.
Here is the cover reveal for Hell Squad: Tane. I also have a BIG giveaway to celebrate Tane’s cover. Scroll down to enter.
Hell Squad: Tane
Hell Squad #20
Release Date: Tuesday June 2nd

Excerpt from Hell Squad: Survivors featuring Tane
Tane Rahia strode into the Enclave’s Command Center.
Several men stood at the front of the room. It was the middle of the night, so most of the comp stations were empty.
General Adam Holmes and Niko Ivanov, the Enclave’s civilian leader, were both looking up at the large screen on the wall. One side of the screen showed a middle-aged, African-American woman in black fatigues. Her face radiated intelligence and authority. He knew she was Major General Michaela Marshall, leader of Groom Lake Base. The other side of the screen was currently blank.
Beside Adam and Niko, Marcus Steele and Roth Masters stood off to the side. The two squad leaders spotted Tane and nodded. He lifted his chin. That’s when he saw Finn Erickson sprawled in a chair.
“Finn,” Tane said.
“Hey, Tane,” the Hawk pilot replied.
“Tane, good, you’re here.” Holmes nodded at a comms officer behind a comp. “We’re ready.”
The screen flashed and the face of another man appeared beside Michaela’s.
The man had to be related to Erickson.
“Alexander,” Finn said.
“Hi, brother.” The handsome man smiled. “How’s your redhead?”
“Spicy and sweet as always,” the Hawk pilot answered. “You need to find yourself a woman.”
Alexander’s smile was wide. He looked like a man who’d won a prize. “Actually, I have. Although she’s a blonde. Tough as steel, but sweet on the inside.”
“Really?” Finn grinned. “Happy for you. I look forward to meeting her.”
“Alexander,” Holmes said, with a quirk of his eyebrow toward Finn. “You have information on the third bomb?”
Alexander’s face turned serious. “We found it. We found the third bomb.”
Tane felt a leap of excitement in his gut. “Where?”
The man’s pale-blue eyes shifted to Tane. “My woman, Liv, was living not far from our base—”
“Alone?” Tane hated the idea of a woman out there alone, easy prey for the aliens.
“Mostly. She does have an enormous wolf as a pet.”
A wolf? Tane caught Marcus’ gaze and they both raised their brows.
“She saw increased alien activity not far from her home and alerted us,” Alexander said. “I went in myself to investigate.”
Images appeared on the screen.
“Fuckers,” Roth muttered.
“That’s it.” Holmes thumped a fist on the table. “We have the location of all three bombs.”
“Now what?” Michaela asked.
“We monitor and surveil,” Holmes said. “And during that time, we find a way to neutralize these bombs.”
“We wait too long, they’ll detonate them,” Marcus growled, in his gritty voice.
“From what we can tell, they’re still perfecting the genetic fluid.” Holmes clasped his hands behind his back. “And I’ll be frank, we don’t yet know how to defuse the bombs without setting them off.”
The men in the room all muttered.
“We will find a way,” Holmes continued, his tone like iron.
“Hell, yeah,” Marcus said.
Tane nodded. He wanted this done, the sooner the better. Enough people had died at the hands of the Gizzida, including his parents and extended family back in New Zealand.
Both of his brothers, who fought beside him every day, had recently fallen in love with good women. They deserved some fucking happiness.
Not that there would be happiness for Tane. His soul had been stained long before the aliens had come.
“Adam, I hope your resident alien allies are still helping?” Michaela asked.
Tane stiffened.
The general nodded. “Both Gaz’da and Selena are assisting our tech and medical teams.”
Gaz’da was a renegade raptor who had defected, and was helping the human survivors. Selena was also an alien, but of another species, abducted and tortured by the Gizzida.
She also held a damn lot of power in her tiny, slim body.
And was as beautiful as hell.
A muscle ticked in Tane’s jaw. He had no business thinking about Selena.
“Our teams are working around the clock,” Holmes said. “Everybody, stay alert and ready. As soon as we can, we will go in and destroy the bombs. And we will be one step closer to driving the Gizzida away for good.”
On the screen, Alexander and Michaela nodded.
Marcus turned. “Are you guys ready to go to hell?”
Roth nodded.
Tane had already been to hell and back. He’d do another trip. “Bring it. The Gizzida are going down.”
Tane Cover Reveal Giveaway
To celebrate the reveal of Tane’s cover, I have an awesome Berserkers Swag Pack to give away to ONE lucky winner. It has a signed paperback, custom Berserkers art print, Blue Mountain tea from my favorite tea shop, dino earrings, and magnets, stickers, and trading cards!

Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Just select the options you’d like to use to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveawayHell Squad
In the aftermath of a deadly alien invasion, a band of survivors fights on…
Join Marcus Steele and the toughest commando team fighting for humanity’s survival—Hell Squad. Battle-hardened soldiers, men and women who never give up.
Heroes will rise…when they have someone to live for.
Love the cover, can we pre-order this book?
Beautiful cover
So excited for this book but so sad for Hell Squad to end!
Just discovered your books and I’m devouring them. Be sad to see it end
Cant wait to read this last story, but hate to see the ending of this series
No pre-order, Fran. Just live on the 2nd of June!
Can’t wait!!!
The cover is amazing! I have been waiting for Tane and Selena’s book for so long! Absolutely love this series!
I think you can preorder it on kindle. I am soo excited!
Wow the cover is beautiful 😍😍
I think the cover is amazing I love this series can’t wait for it to be released.
OMG!! I love the cover and I cannot wait for Tane and Selena’s book!!
I love the cover, I can’t believe we are at the end of Hell Squad, this series is how I found you!
I can’t believe it’s the end either!! So bittersweet.
I love the cover! It’s awesome that you included both of them on it!
An early version of the cover only had Tane, but as I got closer to writing it, I knew it needed both of them!
Can not wait for Tane, but so sad this is the end of the series, Anna you have created characters I don’t ever want to leave.
Both super excited and super sad to see the end. But I so want to know more about Tane and Selena!
I don’t have a blog, but I did everything else, I can’t wait for Tain!!!
awesome new cover.
I can’t wait! Love 💕 B
I’m excited finally get to read Tane story and super sad this is the final book😪😥😥. Those prizes look awesome good luck to all.
So looking forward to this – though it will break my heart when the story ends!
I love the trailer – it looks great.
I can’t wait!!! It’s been a long time coming…
enter. I love hell squad.
I don’t think you have a cover that I don’t love 😍 great work as usual Anna 💜
Wow! That cover… definitely sad to see Hell Squad come to an end…
I always enjoy your books and covers which are exceptional.
Thanks, Bobbi 😀
Omg it’s beautiful. I am so excited and sad about this, I need the story but I don’t want it to be over.
What a hunk!!! I have to say that is one of the best looking covers I’ve seen. If I was only younger. Sooo looking forward to Tane.
This cover is terrific! Can hardly wait!
I’m so excited for Tane! Also I love the cover. So glad it has them both on it.
This is such a bittersweet moment. I really hope there’s a spinoff about other survivors.
I will probably bawl my eyes out when it releases and both want to read it and just hold it and not read it at the same time just to out off the ending of this amazing series.
Love this cover , am looking forward to reading this but sad it will be the last in the series. This is the series that started my journey with Anna and her fantastic characters.
Thanks Anna for creating Hell Squad it’s been a wonderful adventure.
Love the cover! Now I just need to read the series.
Amei a capa! Ansiosa demias.
Can’t wait to see how magical this relationship will be (pun intended)!! Thank you so much, Anna!
I am so excited to read Tanne, been a long time coming and so hope for everyone’s happy ending 🙂 cover is gorgeous as always 😍
Love the cover! Her hair stands out so beautifully against everything else. 🙂 Sad that Hell Squad will be ending, but so excited to see the Gizzida get what’s coming to them.
Love the cover! The countdown begins till go live of this book. Such a bittersweet release!
I’m so excited but also sad to see the series end!!!! I love this series!!! ❤️😘❤️
I loved the excerpt! Can’t wait to read Tane & Selena’s book, though I’ll miss our HS. Looking forward to more great stories from you in the other series though.
I want to cry. It can’t already be the last Hell Squad! I’m so excited, I want to read it now! I’m so conflicted. The cover is perfect, btw.
Love the new cover, can’t wait to read the book
This cover is amazing and I cant wait to read this
It is time to say goodbye to our heroes…I am so not ready. But Tane…well his story cannot come too soon. Thank you Anna for the incredible trip.
😁😁😁, can’t wait til this comes out!!
Yea!! Tane cant wait!
Both excited and not ready for it to be over!!
Super excited
Awesome can’t wait to read it. Very sad and hard to believe that this is the end of hell squad series love it so much. Congrats to you Anna for creating an amazing series. Have to admit though love all your books and series not just this one😀
Am so excited for this book……yet I don’t wanna read it because it’s the grand finale!!
I have been waiting for what seems like forever,for this newest book. I can’t wait to be able to hold it in my hands. I love the cover art work almost as much as I love the stories. Keep up the good work. I look forward to more…
So sorry to hear this is the last book in the series but glad to know they will all get their much deserved happily ever after. I love the cover! They look so much in love!
I hate that this is the last book of the series! Oh, well, all good things must come to an end and there are still all is Anna’s other books to read.
Ekkkk!! It’s so pretty!
SO EXCITED!!! (And kind of sad to see this end!)
Beautiful cover! I am so excited to see Hell Squad and friends finish off the Gizida, but I am sad that it is over.😪😢😀
The cover is amazing! I have been waiting for Tane and Selena’s book for so long! Absolutely love this series!
I need to buy stock in Kleenex®. I’m gonna need a warehouse full of the tissues by the time I finish reading Tane. I still say it should be optioned for a movie or series. And the cover is just beautiful. <>
BTW, it says the contest ends February 3, 2020.
I’m LOVING this cover! Selena looks perfect!
Love the cover! Can’t wait for the triumph over the Gizida! But I’m going to miss this series. I will just have to start reading from the beginning again!!
Yay more Hell Squad!! And I can’t wait to see Tane go down to the “love bug”! Selena will be good for him. ❤❤❤❤
Say it ain’t so!!! I love Hell Squad and this is the last book???? I’ll be in mourning! Selena is perfect for Tane.
Damn! Love it! Can’t wait to read this one, but it will be bittersweet. Marcus was my into to your books and I haven’t looked back. Thank you for this great series
Oh my gosh, the cover looks great. I can’t wait to read it!!
great news during these difficult times, looking forward to read this one. thank you
I want all the books!! All the swag, everything with this series! Actually, mostly I just want June to get here so I can read this one. I really hate to see the series end, but I’m really going to love this book. Congrats, Anna, this is amazing!! <3
I love the cover! This is bittersweet (as I’m sure it is with all fans). I want to read about Tane & Selena, and victory over the Gizzida, but will be sad too. I see a lot of re-reading this series in my future!
Great cover. The book sounds excellent.
I’m so glad you included Selena, she and Tane together make for a showstopping cover!!
From Marcus to Tane, I have enjoyed the ride. It is going to be almost impossible to Not keep looking for when the next book comes out..I have fallen in love with so many of your characters, my girl friends call me fickle..I just love your characters so much..
I have been looking forward to this. It is a great cover.
So excited for next book a bit bittersweet since it’s the end of the series though
Bring it! Hell Yeah!!!! I am so freaking proud to be a Hacketteer and loving all the books! That said, Hell Squad will always be my first love 💘!
Can’t wait for June 1 great cover.
I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting for Tane’s story for what seems like forever 😂
I love that cover too, can’t wait for the book!
Like so many others, I am sad to see this series end but anxious to read Tane & Selena’s story. I don’t think you realized when you sat down to write this series what a wonderful gift you would be giving your readers. Marcus was the first of your books I read and was immediately hooked. You have a writing style that draws your readers in from the first paragraph and keeps us turning the pages until the end. Not many writers can do that, but you have that very special gift.
Love the cover and waiting in anticipation for Tane’s story
Going to be sad this is the last book. Can’t wait. But excited for what’s next from Anna
So excited to read Tane’s book but don’t want the series to end.
I have loved this series since picking up the first book and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the members of Hell Squad and The Beserkers and while it has come to its conclusion with Tanes book I’m sure Anna will continue to write more wonderful worlds for us to become obsessed with alongside the other series she still has on the go, I for one am looking forward to many more stories from our wonderful Authors imagination
The cover is so real and the stories are such they keep me reading into the late hours. This author’s imagination creates wonderful characters, action packed battles, and all fighting for justice and freedom. Hate to see it end but these battle weary soldiers deserve their time to rest. Look forward to the book.
Cover is stunning –sad Hell Squad is ending; you can always re-read. I do know you have exciting reads on the horizon. The trailer gave me chills; loved it.
Finally! Have been waiting a long time for Tane and Selena’s story. I’m super excited to read about their HEA. Can’t believe it’s the end of Hell Squad. It’s almost like watching friends and family leave for parts unknown but maybe we will see them all again as they explore new beginnings after the aliens. Thanks Anna, have enjoyed this series immensely! And oh yeah, love the cover!
Oh my god I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting for these two for ages but I’m also not ready for the end!!!
Your books give a slightly introverted engineer hope that I won’t intimidate men forever 😉
O.M.G!!!!! If I lick him, can I keep him? HOT,HOT, HOT!!!!!
Like all the other posts I’m looking forward to Tane and Selena’s story. I also love the cover. I’m glad they are both on it too. Hell Squad was how I discovered you so they are my first, but not only, love. I really think Spielberg should work out a movie deal with you! Thanks for all the time and work you have put into the books. I’m sad the series is ending but they really need their peace too.
Love the cover! I can not wait for this book!
I am so ready to grab the final book on 6/2. Anticipation is building & I’ll read it the very first night. I plan to prepare by reading some of the earlier books not to miss anything.
OMG! Such a wild and glorious ride! I’m excited and sad at the same time. I will miss all the characters in this series. I forget titles and characters in other author’s books but I rarely miss any in your books. Sooooo good. ^~^ Thank you for this series.
Love Tane’s cover! Can’t wait for the book!
I love the artwork for the Hell Squad series. This is beautiful.
Something tells me I need to get myself some Blue Mountains tea so I can properly immerse in the final book… Can’t wait for 2 June!
So excited for this book to come out now. Loving the cover!
Can’t wait for take! Absolutely love the hell squad series. One of my top 5 favourite series!!!❤❤
Probably my favourite cover! So excited!
Gorgeous cover. Can’t wait for the book.
I am excited as I am sad! So ready for Tane, and sad for it to be the end
Love the cover! Can’t wait for Tane and hopefully everyone can have a happily ever after.
Can’t wait have it in my calendar
I am so excited! It’s bittersweet but I cannot wait to see how they stop the Gizzida.
I can’t believe it’s over.😭😭 I will miss new stories for Hell Squad. At least I own the series and can re-read whenever I want to escape back into their world. Cover: awesome as usual.
Awesome cover. But I find all tour book covers are amazing. I look forward to binge read the whole series in one. 😊
Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!! That is all…
This is my favourite book cover from the series. I am so sad to see it end but I know that you will something else wonderful for us to read.
I’m both excited and sad at the same time. Excited because it’s Tane and I’ve been looking forward to his story. The great cover promises a lot. I’m also sad the series is ending, but honestly to me that is still better then never ending stories. So mostly I’m excited. But if a spin off series pops up after this, I won’t complain at all. 😉
This has been a fun ride and I’m looking forward to the conclusion! It’s so bittersweet.
The end of an era. Can’t wait to get to Tane to see how you are going to end the series.
Love the cover, and that blurb!!!! Can hardly WAIT!!!! TANE!!!!
Omg! Omg! Omg! This is what we’ve been waiting for!!!
Love the books! So excited for Tane!
Amazing cover. And in a twist of fate my COVID lockdown hair colour is a match for Tane’s beloved!!! I knew you loved me Anna!!!!
Can’t wait!!! Love this series, I have every book 😊
I’m sad that it’s almost over!! But I have no doubt that they are gonna get rid of those Gizzida aliens! Can’t wait to read this one!!
Love the cover! I have been looking forward to Tane and Selena’s story and am sad that it is the last of this amazing series. I know all good things come to an end but do they really have to? I would love to read a future ‘where are they now’ story. I agree with Carol Sutton’s comment about Spielberg and I could see tying some of your different series together a la X-Files or Stargate style with multiple movies and tv shows…that would be sooo cool. Anyway, just wanted to sat a big Thank You! for sharing your gift with the world.
The cover is so cool. I love Selena.
Beautiful cover I am going to be sad to see this series end, but knowing you it is going to be one I do not want to miss!
This sounds like a really good book. I can’t wait to read it.
Awesome Cover. Beautiful couple. Really looking forward to Tane’s story.
On no, it’s Schrodenger’s book. I am happy to read it and yet sad to read it at the same time!
The cover is HOT!! Can’t wait to read it!
I fell in love with the first Hell squad book and looked forward to all the others, I am looking forward to Tane ‘s book and if the book is anything like the cover I am loving it already. I am however sorry that the series has come to an end with this book though.
Love the cover. I’ve been waiting for this story!
Tane sounds so good. I so need to read all this series but have to wait for them to be put back in KU.
Yay!!! Finally, Tane, though so sad Hell Squad is ending. Beautiful cover.
Can hardly wait for 2 June!
Anna, you’ve done it again in such a wonderful conclusion to the best series I’ve read in a long long time. You can’t go wrong reading this series, you get action, adventure, hot people falling in love and always a happy ending. Thank you, Anna!