Science Fiction Romance Author: C.E. Kilgore

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February is Science Fiction Romance Author Month here at my blog! Each day, I’ll be showcasing a different sci-fi romance author. Learn more about these great authors, their style of science fiction romance and their latest releases. Enjoy!


Side-Story-Caleb400Welcome to C.E!

Describe your SFR writing with 5 words: Character-driven space opera romance

What’s your favorite:

  1. Sci-fi film – Just one? *whimper* I think I’ll have to say The Last Starfighter, because that is the movie that got me into science fiction as a kid.
  2. Sci-fi TV show – Deep Space Nine (Love me some Quark)
  3. Sci-fi heroine – Princess Leia – because she can rescue herself while calling Han a Nerf herder. (Anna here: Woo hoo!)
  4. Spaceship – The Serenity: To me, this seems the most realistic spaceship – all hacked together with its quirks. (Anna again: I *heart* The Serenity)
  5. Sci-fi gadget –REPLICATOR! I so want one of these.

C.E.’s website:

Describe your latest release in just one sentence: Violet Haze is a side story in my Corwint series that seeks to explore the evolution of Mechatronic Automatons (androids), and how a machine can both learn and express love.

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