The Real History of Treasure Hunter Security Part 2

The history, myths, and legends continue! Today, I’m sharing location pics and history for Unexplored and Unfathomed. So we’ll be visiting Peru and the cloud forests of the Andes, and the island of Madagascar.

Unexplored by Anna HackettUnexplored


Some pictures of locations featured in Unexplored:



Peruvian Cloud Forest (credit – Eric Hunt)
Cloud Forest (Credit – CΓ©dric LiΓ©nart)
Village of Leymebamba which the THS crew visit (credit – public domain)

Chachapoyas Culture (Warriors of the Clouds)

A culture who lived in the cloud forests of the Andes and were conquered by the Inca (but by accounts, made it difficult). Known for their circular stone constructions (still visible at various sites) and unique funerary practices.

Cliff sarcophagi of the Chachapoyas (credit – Papiermond)
Chachapoyas ruins at Kuelap (credit – JosΓ© Porras)

More info:

Leymebamba Museum includes lots of Chachapoyas artifacts –


Sometimes called the Machu Picchu of northern Peru, is a large walled city situated on a ridge and built by the Chachapoyas. Construction started in the 6th Century AD and the outer walls reach 19 meters in places. Structures include an advanced rainwater drainage system, various levels and platforms, and distinctive circular and turret-like constructions.

Walls of Kuelap (credit – Martin St-Amant)
Kuelap ruins (credit – public domain)
Fortress Walls, Kuelap (credit – public domain)

More info:

Laguna de los Condores (also Laguna de las Momias)

A remote lake in Peru where numerous mausoleums known as chullpas (built into cliff faces) and mummies of the Chachapoyas culture were discovered. It is a 9-10 hour trek from Leymabamba.

This photo of Laguna de los Condores is courtesy of TripAdvisor

More info:

Really fascinating images of Laguna de los Condores and the chullpas in all these links!!

Silver cups

It is thought that the Chachapoyas were not metalworkers, however, two silver cups were discovered at a Chachapoyas site, have raised questions about that assumption.

More info:

Chachapoyans and physical appearance

Chachapoyans were described by a Spanish conquistador as white skinned, and there are instances of some Chachapoyan descendants having fair skin and pale-colored eyes. This has spawned all kinds of theories on their origins but DNA testing of mummies shows they were of local origin.

More info:

Action Adventure RomanceUnfathomed


Some pictures of locations featured in Unfathomed:


Denver Museum of Nature and Science (credit – Stephen Farris)
Inside Denver Museum of Nature and Science (credit – Intiaz Rahim)
FUN FACT: Mr H and I got married at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science!! πŸ™‚
Tolagnaro, formerly Fort Dauphin, Madagascar (credit – public domain)
Tsingy Stone Forest, Madagascar (credit – Wikipedia Commons)

This photo of Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve rope bridge is courtesy of TripAdvisor

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Mughal Emeralds

The Mughal Emperors of India were lovers of precious stones and were renowned for their carved emeralds. They are just magnificent! Click the link below to see more.

Mughal emerald (credit – Tim Evanson)

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Soleil d’Orient

The Soleil d’Orient was a French East India ship filled with treasure by the King of Siam destined for the King of France. It never arrived in France andΒ  based on an account from a Malagasy man, Jean, it was caught in a storm and sank just off the coast of Fort Dauphin, Madagascar.

The wreck has never been found.

Constantine Phaulkon

A Greek adventurer, who after working for the British East India Company, rose to be a prominent advisor to the King of Siam. When Kind Narai became ill and died, Phaulkon was arrested and executed by the brother of Narai.

Portrait of Constantine Phaulkon (credit – public domain)

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Flooded Caves in Madagascar and Giant Lemur Bones

Scientists have been diving in flooded freshwater caves in south-western Madagascar and have discovered the bones of extinct animals such as giant lemurs, horned crocodiles, and elephant birds.

This photo of Atlantis Madagascar – flooded cave is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Loads more amazing pics of divers and bones in the caves at the links below!

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Treasure Hunter Security

More Info

2 thoughts on “The Real History of Treasure Hunter Security Part 2”

  1. Hey Anna ~
    I love seeing the scenery that inspires your vision for Treasure Hunter Security adventures! (Or the vision that inspires the scenery ~ πŸ™‚ History is so fascinating!
    Thanks for including the lovely wedding picture, too! Beautiful:)

    1. So glad you enjoy it, Julia. I was hoping it would add something to the experience. And thank you…I have very fond memories of my wedding day and marrying my own personal hero πŸ™‚

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