Team 52: New Release and Mugs

I am absolutely thrilled that the final adventure in the Team 52 series is now available! This is also my final release of 2020!!

I hope you love Director Jonah Grayson and his story with mysterious, dangerous redhead, Evan. I am also very excited to share some fun custom artwork of Jonah and Evan done by my author buddy, Lana.

To celebrate the release of Mission: Her Justice, I have some super cool Team 52 mugs to give away, featuring custom artwork of the Team 52 couples!!

Scroll down to see all the goodness and enter the giveaway.

Out Now

When a dangerous redhead invades his office and his base, and warns that his team is in danger, Director Jonah Grayson doesn’t know if she’s friend or foe.

Former elite Army aviator Jonah Grayson was forced to give up flying, but now serves as director of the covert black ops team, Team 52. He takes care of the brass in Washington D.C. to ensure his team can do their job: keeping the world safe from dangerous, ancient artifacts. But when he’s confronted by a tough, skilled, mysterious redhead with a warning that his team is being targeted, he’ll do whatever it takes in order to find out who she is and what she wants.

Evan Fletcher’s life has imploded. She’s on the run, been labeled a rogue and traitor, and she knows a very bad, powerful man has Team 52 in his sights. He’s after a deadly artifact and wants the team out of his way…but Evan plans to stop him. She’ll use all of her particular skill set to bring him down, clear her name, and protect Team 52…and that includes the team’s handsome, oh-so-tempting director.

Surrounded by danger at every turn, Evan and Jonah are drawn to each in ways they can’t explain. To keep Team 52 safe, stop the enemy, and find justice for Evan, they will put everything on the line. But when you’re under fire, trust is hard, and falling in love is even harder.

Custom Art: Jonah and Evan

Director Jonah Grayson and Evan Fletcher

The amazing artwork is thanks to my author buddy and artist, Lana Pecherczyk! She’s also done artwork for the other Team 52 couples (Axel and Nat are still to come – stay tuned!) To see the rest of the team, visit my Extras page.

Lana also helped me create these super fun mugs! They are now available on my Zazzle store.

Anna’s Zazzle Store

If you’re after Team 52 mugs of your own, or fun gear for my other series, then check out my Zazzle store.

I am THRILLED to let you know that there is updated Hacketteer gear available AND new Hell Squad Berserkers gear too.

Team 52 Mug Giveaway

I have FOUR Team 52 mugs to give away to four lucky winners. To enter, just use the Rafflecopter below. This is open internationally and just select the options you’d like to do.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

51 thoughts on “Team 52: New Release and Mugs”

  1. The book is so good, it’s a little bittersweet to see the series end but what an ending!! Congratulations and thank you, Anna, for your wonderful stories!
    Btw, the mugs looks great!

    1. Sad to see another series end but when one door closes another opens and welcome to Norcross and many more new series would love to win so fingers crossed

  2. Just like all the other ending stories to your serise I am both excitted and sad to read this. I know its going to be so good. I def setting side time this weekend to read it. Kids and family be dammed. Lol.

  3. Anna, as always you deliver very believable characters and stories in you books along with the romance everyone needs to escape the stress and painful memories if this past year. Blessings for you love of a great story and your generosity to share.

  4. Awesome artwork, I like the simple yet evocative style. Makes me want to pick up Team 52. 🙂

    PS: Please release Eon Warriors as a set bundle. I’m no longer on KU and want to buy them all.

  5. So excited to read the complete series! I love your stories & adventures in everything I’ve read so far – 3 series and adding.

  6. OMG. Love love the mugs😍😍 I haven’t read Jonah yet he is waiting on my kindle. ❤️ But I have no worries that it won’t be spectacular!! And another beautiful cover ❤️

  7. Hate to see this series come to and end, but always excited to see what adventures you have in store for us!!! Congrats Anna!!!! Love the mugs. ❤️❤️

  8. The mugs are such a great idea! You need an honourary mug for Raquel and Arlo 😉
    Another successful series behind you, Anna.

  9. Cathleen O'Neill

    Really love the series – sad to see it end. The mugs are great, but I want them ALL! Guess I have to cruise your Zazzle store?

  10. caroline brayford

    I see myself as a winner anyway Anna because I’ve had the opportunity to read another fabulous Team 52 mystery.
    The mugs are fab and artwork art fab but like other posts have said, its sad to see another great series come to an end.

  11. What a great way to end 2020 – with the release of the final Team 52 book Mission: Her Justice and some awesome Team 52 mugs! Can’t wait to see what you have for us in 2021, Anna!

  12. Jonha and Evan are fabulous together. Loved how Arlo got his happy forever too! Was thrilled about Seth & January’s baby too. Glad Team 52 will still make appearances in Norcross Security. Sad though you live far away – would love to meet you. Have a fab holiday season!

  13. Art work is amazing. Sad “Her Justice” is the last book in this series but as always such a great book. Enjoyed it thoroughly and read too fast, want more!! 🙃

  14. Hello Mrs Hackett,

    Thank you for this give away, I’m not sure if this is the wright place to comment om the give away. Thank you for taking interest in what we doing on Christmas.
    I live in Belgium and because of covid, we have strict rules, like no family visits, evening clock, only one close contact per family… so I would like to tell you what I did in the day. I went with my daughter to help to saddlebreak a young horse. The term in english is so harsh. We use a a lot of working on the ground with the horse. Now in Belgium it is winter en it is so cold but that doesn’t stop my daughter (16), she go’s every time to help. The owner her back is to bad, so my daughter helps and go’s on the horse or is walking with the horse. So beautyful to see, how human and animal can com together.
    This is what I do for the holydays…:)
    So the harsh covud rules aren’t so harsh to us.
    I wish you a good health for 2021, and lots of good inspiration for the continue of you writing. Your books are so amazing.
    I love the cyborgs, they are wow.
    (Sorry not native english speaker, but flemish)
    I wish you and your family a happy en healthy 2021

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